North Country Homeschool Co-op 2014-2015 Schedule & Policies

North Country Homeschool Co-op 2014-2015 Schedule & Policies

Mission Statement
The North Country Homeschool Co-op a nondenominational group, which meets
at the Cadyville Wesleyan Church on Rt 3 in the village of Cadyville. We are open to all homeschooling families in our region.  We are parent run, with parents planning, teaching, and organizing all our activities.  We provide a mix of structured classes and free play time for children from preschool through high school, with a strong focus on play based, hands on, activities for all ages.  

Meeting Time & Class Schedule
Co-op will be meeting on the following days for the 2014-2015 school year:
10/1, 10/15, 10/29, 11/5, 11/19, 12/3
----- Break for Christmas/New Year's from regular classes from 12/4 - 1/6 ---
1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3 /4, 3/18
4/1, 4/15, 4/29, 5/6, 5/20

The regular weekly schedule will be:

10:15am - 11:00am -- Building opens, set up time for teachers, families arrive.  Parents, please make sure to arrive by 10:45am in order to be checked in & settled before classes start promptly at 11:00am.  If you arrive after 11, please check-in and help your student find the class they are taking.
11:00am - 12:00pm -- Structured class time for all ages PreK- high school.

12:00pm - 1:00pm -- Potluck/Bag lunch.  Recess next door at the playground (weather permitting).  Indoor group games, rec room time, free play room & board games in bad weather.

12:40pm - 12:55pm -- Choruses & Current Events groups meet

1:00pm - 2:00pm -- Classes, as well as ongoing craft activities & other projects. Afternoon class offerings will be for grades K-12 , but younger siblings are always welcome to stay and play in the preschool, free playroom, or neighboring playground.

2:00pm - 3:30pm -- This time slot is available as overflow for longer running afternoon classes.

Registration Fee
Co-op remains open for all North Country homeschooling families to join, however, this year we will be charging a $40 registration fee per family.This fee will cover each attending family’s portion of the co-op’s newly purchased insurance policy, an annual donation to the Cadyville Wesleyan Church (which let’s us use it’s building for free), and any other supplies the group needs (shelving, art supplies, etc).

** A registration table will be set up next to the sign-in table throughout the year.  Please take a moment to fill out our short registration form, and place it, along with your $40 fee, in the drop box provided.  

** We want co-op to remain an affordable, fun option for any member of the community who wants to participate!  If you have difficulty paying the $40 registration fee please contact Holly Warren to make alternativepayment arrangements.

Volunteer Requirements
Additionally,each family registering will be expected to volunteer twice each school year. Volunteering can take many forms -- teaching a class solo, team teaching a class with another co-op family, bringing in an outside teacher, or holding a staff position are all examples of ways to contribute.

Please speak with Holly Warren or Amanda Bokus if you need ideas for getting involved!

**  New families are able, and encouraged, to come to co-op 1-2 times prior to registering to make sure the group is a good fit for your family.  Once registered, new families have a one semester “grace period” before volunteer requirements begin so they have time to make friends & see how co-op runs.

Class Fees
Fees for individual classes will still be paid weekly to cover the teacher’s cost for materials. Fees will continue to be collected using the honor system at the sign-in table each class day  When you sign-in, please be sure to check to see if the classes your child is attending that day have fees, and if so, please put payment in the appropriate envelope.  

As class fees are generally very modest, it is best if families can bring $1's and $5's when paying for classes.

Fees will continue to be announced in the class descriptions so families can make sure they have the correct change.  

Please make sure to check the announcements for any classes your children are attending to see if there is a fee or other item that should be brought in order for them to participate.

Attendance Policy

Families are welcome to come to as many or as few classes as their schedules & interests allow.

We meet at regular times though, so that families can easily schedule other classes and commitments around co-op without conflicts. Please note the RSVP policy for each class your family is interested in & contact the appropriate person via email or phone.  

Due to the growth co-op has experienced in the past year, as well as how many students can comfortably fit in our classrooms, many classes this year will have limited class sizes ranging from 8-20 students per class. Classes posted with an enrollment limit will fill on a first come, first serve basis.  Please make sure to RSVP to the teacher so your child’s spot is held!   

To help balance this, however, we will now be offering more classes!   From 11am - 12pm we will now be offering 1 preschool class, 2-3 classes for K-3rd kids, 1-2 classes for 4th-6th, and 1 class for middle/high school students. For the 1pm class period we will be offering 1 elementary class, 1 4th-6th class, and 1 middle/high school class.

General Rules

1)  Parents, please do not drop off your child. Co-op is NOT a drop-off activity.  Parents are expected to be on the premises at all times. Drop-offs may occasionally be allowed on a case by case basis for children 7+, with prior permission from the instructor and/or one of the co-op coordinators.

2) Please no candy treats as prizes in class.  In order to be mindful of food allergies,encourage a healthy lifestyle, and mindful of everyone's various food preferences we are asking that candy not NOT be given by teachers as rewards in class.  Families are certainly welcome to pack whatever they would like for their own children to eat during the bag lunch/recess period, but for prizes please consider stickers or other small tokens.

3) All classes will be meeting in the basement of the Cadyville Wesleyan Church unless otherwise stated in the class description.  The church offices are upstairs, and in an effort to be respectful of this fact, and contain the mess we make, we are requesting that students stay downstairs where the classrooms area.  Unless there is a specific class they are attending upstairs, they are with a parent in the nursery area, or we are meeting in the Fellowship Hall for potluck/lunch period students should remain downstairs please!

4) The nursery room off the Fellowship Hall is for children age 3 & under, accompanied by a parent. Please make sure you or your child are cleaning up any toys used before leaving the nursery room.
5) Parents are expected to supervise their children in the free play room, back hallway, & when they are not in classes to be sure they are being respectful of the other classes going on & the church building.

Co-op Staff for 2014-2015 School Year:
Group Leaders -- Holly Warren & Amanda Bokus
Treasurer -- Tammy Neureuther
Preschool Coordinator -- Lynn Bushey
K-3rd Class Coordinators -- Holly Warren & Amanda Bokus
4th -6th Class Coordinator -- Jenn Cantwell
Middle/High School Coordinator -- Tammy Neureuther
Free Play Room Coordinator -- Lizzie Girard
Potluck Lunch Coordinator -- Cathy Morin
Community Outreach -- Janice Stainken & Lynn Bushey
Opening Staff -- Cathy Morin & Cheryl Lussier
Closing Staff -- Olivia Gillett

Supplies Manager -- Cheryl Lussier