Regular classes at the Cadyville Wesleyan Church on Rt 3.

Free Play Room: Lincoln Logs, car mat, cars

Community Service Projects:
#1 -- Final collection for the local food banks. Drop box will be near the sign-in table. Please bring a generous donation as we'll be dropping our food right before Thanksgiving time when need is very high!
#2 -- Making Thanksgiving cards for nursing home residents & shut ins. A table will be set up for making nursing home cards as students have time throughout the day. Please place completed cards in the box on the table.
#3 -- Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box collection & assembly. Tables will be set up in the common room downstairs for families to drop completed Operation Shoe Boxes and also to work on assembling their box. Shipping labels will be available for families who choose to pack their box here. Cost is $7 per box. Families who do not want to pack a box can also donate $7 to cover the cost of shipping a box.

11:00 - 12:00:
Teacher: Lynn Bushey
Fee: $1 per child
RSVP: Lynn,

Elementary kids #1 --
Winter Birds In The North Country & Make a Bird Feeder Project
** Please note that this will be a peanut free class for the bird feeder project! **
Teacher: Kerri Lamarche
Fee: $2, and please bring a toilet paper roll
RSVP: Kerri,

Older kids (Grades 4-8) --
Mental Math & Math Tricks
Teacher: Tammy Neureuther
Fee: $1 per child
RSVP: Tammy,

12:00:  Break for bag lunch/recess

12:30 - 12:45:
Children's Chorus -- This club is open to all students, and all ages. As long as they can sing along & stand in place without being disruptive your student is welcome to join chorus. This fall we will focus on learning a variety of seasonal songs to be sung at a local nursing home at a time to be determined in mid December. This class will run from 12:30 - 12:45.
Teacher: Holly Warren
Fee: Free
RSVP: Holly,

12:45 - 1:30:
American Girl Club -- This club is for kids in 2nd - 6th grade. The students should have read "Meet Felicity" (1774) before coming to class. They will do a variety of crafts & activities from Felicity's time period, including making a tin punch ornament, a bookmark, and a lapbook component for their AG class folder. Bring a small hammer & some round metal juice lids (from frozen juice concentrate) if possible.
Teachers: Holly Warren & Amanda
Fee: $2 per student
RSVP: Holly or Amanda (see emails above)

12:45 - 3:00:
Board Game Club -- This club has two sections. One is for boys & girls from K-3, the other is for boys & girls grades 4+. Games will be set up in separate classrooms. Please bring your favorite game to share, and make sure to label your box too! Any questions can be directed to Amanda Bokus.

1:30 - 3:00:
French Classes

French classes will continue, taught by Carole Dubois. It is not to late to sign-up, so please email Carole or come to co-op this week if you are interested. There will be two classes offered. One from 1:30- 2:15 for younger kids (ages 5-8), and one from 2:15-3:00 for older kids (ages 9+). All classes will be offered at the beginner level, but as each class has about 10 students currently enrolled, two classes will allow Carole to offer more advanced projects for the older kids and keep a good student/teacher ratio.

There are currently 3 classes being offered in the reminder of the fall semester. 11/20 & 12/4. Classes will resume when co-op restarts on Wed 1/15/14.

The rate is $10 per lessons. She is willing to do a multiple child rate of 50% for second child. (If there's more in your family you can discuss with her.)

If you're interested, you can sign-up at co-op and pay for the remaining three French classes for this year.

You can also contact her directly with other questions at her email:

1:30 - 2:15 - French Class -- ages 5-8 

2:15 - 3:00 - French Class -- ages 9+