High School Writing Retreat

You're invited!

High School
Writing Retreat

October 26, 27 at Paul Smith's College

Sign up now!
Three of the most experienced and exciting spoken word poets in the world are leading our twelfth annual High School Writing Retreat.

During this two-day event, students will enjoy poetry performances and learn how to make their writing gorgeous with workshop leaders and poetry legends Mahogany L. Browne, Jive Poetic, and Jon Sands. High school students, classes, and homeschooled students are invited to join for a day of performances, workshops, and general awesomeness. 
Any student is welcome to join, no experience necessary! This event is free, lunch will be available for purchase on campus. If you or your class can only attend for one day, please plan to join on October 26. Any classes or individuals that are interested in joining should contact the Adirondack Center for Writing at info@adirondackcenterforwriting.org.
About our workshop leaders

Thanks to our sponsors.

This event is provided by Adirondack Foundation-Benght Ohman Fund, Adirondack Foundation-Evergreen Fund, Adirondack Foundation-Saranac Lake Public Education Fund, Charles R. Wood Foundation, Cloudsplitter Foundation, Saranac Lake Young Arts Association, and Stewart’s Holiday Match.
Copyright © 2017 Adirondack Center for Writing, All rights reserved. 
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