Adirondack Youth Orchestra Association Fall Season

As the new school year approaches we are getting ready for the Fall Season.  Opening day for all five groups will be September 10th.  However, if your son/daughter was in the AYO or AYV last year, you will be receiving an additional email regarding a jump start on their season.
The registration fees are remaining the same again this year.  The AYO fee for the combined Fall and Spring Season is $100 and the fee for all the other groups is $60.  As in the past, if you submit your registration by August 25ththere will be a $10 early registration discount.  Additional discounts are available for multi-group participation and for having multiple children participating.  A copy of the registration form is attached.
Also attached please find a business advertising form for our concert programs.  The fees from this advertising are one of our sources of revenue that help us keep the registration fees low.  If you are able to contact any local businesses that may be interested in advertising in our program it would be a great benefit to the kids and the organization.   
Here is the current schedule for the Fall Season.
-For the AYO and AYV only  Three day “boot camp” on 8/27, 8/28 and 8/29. 
        The AYV will meet on all three days from 6pm – 7pm in the Plattsburgh High School Orchestra Room.
        The AYO will meet on all three days from 6pm – 8pm in the Plattsburgh High School Bank Room.
-Opening Day for all groups – 9/10.
        3:30pm -  Check in and registration at the Plattsburgh High School Auditorium.
        4:00pm – Parent meeting In the Auditorium.
        4:00pm – Student meeting in the Band Room (all groups).
Immediately following the student meeting, the band room will be used for audition warm-ups while the auditions (for those who have not submitted NYSMMA forms with their registrations) are taking place in the conference room (instrumental) and orchestra room (vocal). 
5:00pm – Rehearsals begin.
        AYO will be in the band room (7:00pm dismissal);
        AYM will be on the stage (6:00pm dismissal);
        AYS room TBA (6:00pm dismissal);
        AYV will be in the orchestra room (6:00pm dismissal);
        AYC room TBA (6:00pm dismissal).
-Regular Rehearsal Schedule (any changes during the year will be communicated by the conductors):
        AYO will meet from 5:00pm – 7:00pm;
        AYM will meet from 6:00pm – 7:00pm;
        AYS will meet from 5:00pm – 6:00pm;
        AYV will meet from 3:30pm – 4:30pm;
        AYC will meet from 4:30pm – 5:30pm.
-Rehearsal Dates:
        9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29 and 11/5.
-Dress Rehearsal (all groups may not need a dress rehearsal):
-The Fall Concert will be held at the Plattsburgh High School Auditorium on 11/12 at 2:00pm.
Additional information:
-Please feel free to share this email with fellow parents that have children that may be interested in participating in the AYOA. 
-For those of you that like to purchase items through Amazon, they will donate to the Adirondack Youth Orchestra Association if you make your purchases through their AmazonSmile website at:
Enjoy the remainder of your summer,
AYOA Board
“This project is made possible, in part, with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered locally by the Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts.”