Sweet Expectations: Young Women in Harmony

WHEN: October 29, 2016 from 9:00 am — 4:00 pm

WHERE: Plattsburgh Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall

WHAT: Sweet Expectations, a Young Women in Harmony workshop is an event
where girls, ages 12 and above are able to learn about 4-part a cappella barbershop style singing in a group setting. Sheet music and learning tracks are provided in advance. On the day of the workshop, participants will arrive and spend the day working with an experienced clinician. Songs will be polished, choreography added, and the students will perform at 4:00 in the Plattsburgh Presbyterian Church. Joining them will be the Champlain Valley Chorus of Sweet Adelines and several other local singing groups.

Sponsored by Champlain Valley Chorus Sweet Adelines


(Includes t-shirt, sheet music, learning tapes)

Participants will bring a bagged lunch, drink and snacks. DEADLINE: October 12, 2016 Although designed for the students, educators are welcome to attend and become more familiar with barbershop style music.