The Town of Platts rec'd grant money from the Health Dept. to make some recent improvements to the park including trail markers and maps and a kiosk.
The Health Dept. is now making a video of people using the new & improved park, and they want kids! They're sending someone to film this Monday, 12/21. The Town Rec Director asked if we could get a group of homeschoolers together to be in the film while using the trails.
If you would like to participate, please come to the Cadyville rec park Monday morning at 11am. Please email me if you plan to come.
Angela LaForest:
The North Country Homeschooling group seeks to provide homeschooling support and activities to those living in the Northern NY counties of Clinton, Essex, and Franklin. Activity information is available via email, blog, and Facebook. Homeschooling support is provided though Facebook and a variety of monthly support groups. The North Country Homeschooling Group is open to anyone who homeschools or who is thinking of homeschooling. There are no membership fees.