DATE: 9/15/15
TIME: 11:15a - 4p
Echo admission is $6 per child, $8.50 per adult (1 adult free per 5 children). Parking is $5 if you park in their lot.
Port Kent Ferry leaves NY at 10:05am and Burlington at 4:45pm (Foot passengers: Adults $8, Children $3.10 and under 6 are free - each way.) If you'd rather drive over prices for ferry can be found here: crossing-schedule-rates/rates
All Echo admission has to be paid at once, so please RSVP to Shannon @ 518-534-8472, no later than September 10th so I can give them a total. Will collect money prior to field trip at entrance, or can meet up.
Bring lunches, or purchase from Echo cafeteria.