Echo Field Trip 9/15/15, 11:15a - 4p

DATE: 9/15/15
TIME: 11:15a - 4p

Echo admission is $6 per child, $8.50 per adult (1 adult free per 5 children). Parking is $5 if you park in their lot. 

Port Kent Ferry leaves NY at 10:05am and Burlington at 4:45pm (Foot passengers: Adults $8, Children $3.10 and under 6 are free - each way.) If you'd rather drive over prices for ferry can be found here:

All Echo admission has to be paid at once, so please RSVP to Shannon @ 518-534-8472, no later than September 10th so I can give them a total. Will collect money prior to field trip at entrance, or can meet up.

Bring lunches, or purchase from Echo cafeteria.

1812 Homestead Field Trip, 9/24/15, 11am - 4pm

1812 Homestead Field Trip, 9/24/15, 11am - 4pm

$5 per person
Meeting at Pleasant Corners Restaurant in Keeseville at 10:15 for those who don’t know where the Homestead is.

Please RSVP to Shannon at  or if on Facebook RSVP to the event

Archaeological Opportunity

Archaeological Opportunity
Who: Interested homeschoolers age 9 and older who would like to participate (if you have a very interested younger student, please let me know and I’ll see what we can do) This opportunity may be limited to about 10 students.
When: Four Monday’s (the plan will be for Day 2-4 to be inconsecutive weeks)
            Day 1: Archealogical dig (north of Plattsburgh) – this will happen in Sept./Oct.
            Day 2: SUNY Lab working on artifacts (research and interpretation) of what is found
            Day 3: At SUNY discussing exhibits and exhibits labels *afterwards students would work on one label at home.
            Day 4: Design exhibit panel.  Written labels will be used for interpretive panel, brochure or actual exhibit.
Note:  Those interested in doing more can actually help finalize the project, including the installation of the exhibit
Please email with questions or interest.  Please tell me your student’s name and age.  I will put you on an email list for additional information.
Here are more details…

Project Summary
Local students will work closely with Jan McCormick, Museum Curator and Educator for the Samuel de Champlain History Center and Andrew Black, SUNY Plattsburgh Adjunct Professor and professional Archeaologist; The students will spend a day working an actual historic dig site, learn to research and interpret the artifacts, and finally learn how to put the story together. Local students will work closely with SUNY students as mentors at the dig site and researching artifacts at the Plattsburgh SUNY lab. This historic site is located on Mr. Black’s property and dates around the 1800s, when an increased wave of immigrants arrived as families from New England and further south in New York State moved in to build new lives and new opportunities on old Canadian Refugee land tracts of Champlain Valley. Many of these early settlers bought land and sought to establish small family farms in what was then still wilderness. The most valuable lots, of course, were ones next to the major water sources (such as the Great Chazy River or Lake Champlain). This site offers a rare opportunity for students to understand how the Champlain Valley was settled.

Jan McCormick, will assist teaching local students how to research and interpret the artifacts at the Plattsburgh SUNY Lab, as well as how to create an exhibit and interpretive panels from the information and artifacts discovered at the dig site. The exhibit will be duplicated for the Samuel de Champlain History Center and the Anthropology department at SUNY, Plattsburgh. An educational brochure will also be produced for visitors at the Samuel de Champlain History Center and SUNY Plattsburgh.

Home School Day at the Adirondack Museum

We are pleased to invite you to our first ever Home School Day at the Adirondack Museum!

On 16 September 2015 we will be offering exciting, experiential programming especially for your students as well as self-directed activities to guide you through the museum’s grounds and exhibits. All programming is offered free of charge, but pre-registration is required by September 9, 2015 Program descriptions and times are listed below.

Living Threads: Unraveling Adirondack Ecosystems (Best for K-2) 11am :Young students will explore some of the living organisms that share our ecosystem.

Gadgets & Gizmos from the Peddler’s Wagon (Best for 3-5) 12:30pm:  Students will be able to examine and identify tools and devices that were commonly sold by Adirondack peddlers.

Lumberjack Life (Best for 6-12) 1:30pm: Once the number one industry in the region, lumbering required manpower, horse power and very simple tools. Students will realize the perils and excitement of Adirondack logging and try traditional tools used in the woods.

Students must be accompanied by an adult at all times. 

To pre-register, or with any questions, contact:
Diane L Carver
Assistant Educator
The Adirondack Museum
P.O. Box 99
Blue Mountain Lake, NY 12812

Comic Book Art class offered by local homeschool dad & art teacher Jerry Girard

Jerry Girard will be offering a comic book art class this Fall at Medusa Comics and Cards. Please see the attached flier for all the information. Deadline for registration is September 7th. Cost for the class is $200 which includes supplies that the students keep and printing costs.

In addition he is putting together a class for younger students exploring art history. This will be offered in our home in Morrisionville at a lower price, with the ability to come to one class or all. All the information will be coming soon.

Jerry has 15 years of teaching experience elementary through college level. He currently teaches in the Saranac district at Morrisonville elementary and Sarnac High School, as well as for the New York State Summer School for the arts. As an accomplished artist, his teaching approach is focused yet playful, giving his students a deep understanding of formal technique while keeping it fun.

Please contact Jerry through email at or phone #518-561-0939.

Adirondack Youth Orchestra & Choral Groups membership info for 2015-2016 school year

Hi Parents,
It’s that time of year again when we are getting ready for our fall season.  All of the rehearsals this year will be held at the Plattsburgh Senior High School (music rooms near the auditorium).  The first rehearsal/auditions will be held on Sunday, September 13th (the itinerary for the 13th is listed below).  
Please find the registration form for this year:
There is an early registration discount for those of you that return the form prior to August 28th.  You can also bring the form with you to the first rehearsal or register the day of the rehearsal.  Copies of the NYSSMA solo sheets (if available) should be included with the registration form.  Your child should be ready with a short selection that they can play/sing on the 13th
Please feel free to spread the word about the groups and forward this e-mail to anyone that may be interested in participating in one of the groups.  Word of mouth is our best and most effective recruitment tool.  Feel free to contact any of the board members or conductors (their e-mail addresses should appear in the To: field of this e-mail) if you have any questions.  We are looking forward to the upcoming season.
Enjoy the remainder of the summer,

4:00pm - Arrival for all students (the registration area will be in the lobby outside of the auditorium)
4:00pm to 5:00pm – Auditions (the short piece referred to above).  During the audition time we will have pizza and drinks available for the students.
-Rehearsals will start at the end of the auditions. 
5:30pm – Ending time for the choral groups (AYV and AYC)
6:00pm – Ending time for the AYS and AYM
7:00pm – Ending time for the AYO
*The times above are only for the day of the 13th.  Future rehearsal dates/times will  be available from the conductors and will be posted shortly to website.  The rehearsals will follow the same basic format as last year with the AYS meeting on Tuesdays at 6:00pm and all other groups meeting on Sundays (3:30pm for the AYV and AYW, 4:30pm for the AYC,5:00pm for the AYO and 6:00pm for the AYM).  It is anticipated that the Fall Concert will be held on Sunday, November 15th, at 2pm

Poetry Outloud- High School Poetry Recitation Competition

It is time to prepare for Poetry Outloud (POL)!  The north country homeschool association participated for the first time last year.  One of our students, Madeline Larow,  made it to the state competition. 

I will serve as the co-ordinator for the group.   You may contact me at phid007  @   (remove spaces) The date for our local competition is 21 November 2015

I have attached the website address  so that you can read and understand the requirements for the competition and also view previous participants.  The competition is for students in grades 9-12.  There are a few changes with the local competition this year, I will discuss them with the participants when they contact me. 

Feel free to email me if you have any questions concerning the competition. I encourage you to utilize the website, it is an excellent resource. 

Fort Ti Homeschool Day

I am delighted to let you know that Fort Ticonderoga'sFourth Annual HomeschoolDay takes place on Friday, September 18, 2015. What a great way to kick off a new academic year!

Thanks to the enthusiastic response from homeschool families, we are excited to offer a series of programs in the historic Fort, in the King's Garden, and in Fort Ticonderoga's Heroic Corn Maze. You can learn more below.

September 18, 2015

Fort Ticonderoga's Fourth Annual Homeschool Day for homeschool students and their parents will be on Friday, September 18, 2015, from 9:30am to 5:00pm. Homeschool families will have an opportunity to take part in a series of programs while learning about life on the frontier during the year 1756.

Fort Carillon 1756
Learn about life as a French soldier at Carillon (Ticonderoga) in 1756. What did he eat? Where did he sleep? What did he wear? Where did his clothes come from? Learn more.

Fort Ticonderoga Museum
Explore the museum exhibitions, including four new exhibitions in 2015! Don't miss "Diorama-rama!" and "Iron & Stone!" Learn more.

Historic Trades
Special programs in the shoemaker's shop, the tailor's shop, and at the camp kitchen throughout the day!Learn more.

King's Garden
Self-guided activities in the King's Garden: a perfect place for a picnic lunch! Learn more.

How to Register
To register your homeschool students to participate, please email Lauren MacLeod, Group Tour Coordinator at Fort Ticonderoga, at The cost is $6 per student. One parent per family is admitted free of charge. Additional adults pay the adult group rate of $13. Learn more about Homeschool Day.

Homeschool COED Soccer

No skills required but are helpful. Keep this is a competitive soccer team that plays Private/Christian schools in the area.  Players will play in games based on their skill level simply for their own safety. Practices will focus on endurance, conditioning, ball skills, attacking and defending.  Come to practice well prepared and ready to run.
Starting DateTuesday, August 18 from 1-3pm and 1-3pm on  Aug. 25 & 27th

Players:  Must be 12 by September 15th, 2015 (and in middle or highschool)
Registration:  $30 – per family (best guess on price to cover insurance and referees

Location: Cadyville field

Practice Times (additional practices may be added later in the season)
Starting in SeptemberTuesday’s from 1-3pm andThursday’s from 3-5pm

Equipment Needed:  Shin Guards, Soccer Socks (must cover Shin Guards) and Cleats.  Please bring a size 5 soccer ball if you have one and water to drink.

The two games currently scheduled are for Sept. 21st 4pm at the Ranch Field and Oct. 9th 3pm home game at our field.

CONTACT: Tammy  for more information 563-7036 or tamneureuther   @ (remove spaces

Sweet Expectations: Young Women in Harmony a cappella workshop

Sweet Expectations: Young Women in Harmony a cappella workshop open to all young ladies ages 12-25.

Sponsored by the Sweet Adelines

November 7, 2015
Plattsburgh High School
Registration: 8:30a-9a
Workshop: 9a - 2:30p
Performance: 3:00p

$10 Registration Fee (includes t-shirt, learning cds and music)

Registration due by 10/715

Learning cds and music available online at above link.

For more information and details visit the above website or call Diane Sabourin at518-569-6188

SUNY Plattsburgh Art Museum Story Time

Plattsburgh State Art Museum invites you to join us our monthly Preschool Story Hour on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 10am.

Book: My name is Georgia: A Portrait by Jeannette Winter
The program is especially designed for preschool age children (ages 3-5) and their caregivers.  

Click below for more information and to RSVP.

Register Now!

If you have any questions about this event, please contact the museum educator at

Best wishes for a great week from the Plattsburgh State Art Museum.


Samantha Bellinger, Museum Educator
Plattsburgh State Art Museum

Tour of PAFB and Clinton Co. Historical Museum, Wed 9/9, 10a 0 12p, $3 per kid/$5 per adult

Clinton County Historical Association.
98 Ohio Rd, Plattsburgh, New York 12903

Wednesday Sept 98 from 10am-12noon

This event has a group size limit of 50 (includes adults and kids). We'll split the group, and one half will tour the museum for an hour, while the other half takes a walking tour of historic buildings around the Oval and old part of the Air Force Base with John Kruger, historian for the City of Plattsburgh. Then we'll switch up! The cost is $3 for kids, $5 for adults. Please RSVP soon, so that I can give them a head count.


Music Lessons Being Offered

My name is Nicole Moody. I grew up homeschooling (K-12) in the beautiful Adirondacks of NY. I began studying music at a young age and went on to pursue my degree in cello performance at Drake University. I am moving back to the Adirondack area and am available to teach music lessons to all ages!

I offer lessons on the cello, violin, recorders (sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor and bass), as well as piano (beginner). I am available to put together lessons (for groups or individual) in theory and music history. I know growing up in upstate NY as a homeschooling family, my parents counted on opportunities like this to supplement our education and interests.

Below is a link to my website:
My contact information is:
Cellphone: (518)-354-3809
Email: Nicole.Moody46r@gmail.corm