Point au Roche State Park is located at 19 Camp Red Cloud Road, Plattsburgh, NY.
Directions: From the City of Plattsburgh, proceed five miles north on Route 9 to Point au Roche Road. From I-87 Exit
40 and points North, Point au Roche Road is one half mile south of the Spellman Road on Route 9. Continue on Point au
Roche Road for two miles to second park entrance across from Point au Roche Lodge. The Nature Center is
approximately ½ mile on Camp Red Cloud Road.
All activities are free, family-friendly, and begin at the Nature Center
All Day Follow the Philip C. Walker Nature Trail (Interpretive Brochures Available)
8:00 Bird Walk Led by Judy Heintz
9:00 Guided Walk to Beaver Dam with Alice Sample
10:00 Making Animal Tracks with Dr. Janet Puhalla, PSUC
11:00 More About Birds with Dr. Jake Straub, PSUC
12:15 Dedication of Memorial Tree for Craig Sample
12:30 Volunteer Park Improvement Projects
3:00 Short Hike to see New York’s Largest Green Ash Tree