Computer Science Class for High Schoolers

CS Dept. Offers First, Free Online Course: it is for high school students BUT they are looking for homeschoolers. It already started, but you are welcome to join anytime.
For the first time in the history of the Purdue Computer Science Department, Indiana high school students will have the opportunity to take a free, online, non-credit course to enhance their programming skills.
The course will cover the same material as CS 18000, the department’s first course for computer science majors.  Throughout the school year, students can work at their own pace, working as fast or slow as their schedule permits. Online help will be available from the course’s instructor, Professor Debbie Perouli. The course will begin August 25 and conclude in May.
Enroll in the course by contacting Professor Perouli at depe@purdue.eduand include your complete first and last name, email address and the Indiana high school you are currently attending.

CS 18000 - Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming
Credit Hours: 4.00. Problem solving and algorithms, implementation of algorithms in a high level programming language, conditionals, the iterative approach and debugging, collections of data, searching and sorting, solving problems by decomposition, the object-oriented approach, subclasses of existing classes, handling exceptions that occur when the program is running, graphical user interfaces (GUIs), data stored in files, abstract data types, a glimpse at topics from other CS courses. Intended primarily for students majoring in computer sciences. Credit cannot be obtained for both CS 18000 and any of 15600, 15800 and 15900. Not open to students with credit in CS 18100 or 24000. Typically offered Fall Spring.
0.000 OR 4.000 Credit hours

Syllabus Available
Levels: Graduate, Professional, Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Distance LearningLaboratoryLecture, Recitation
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