Defensive Driving Classe

The correct dates for the upcoming Defensive Driving Classes are: 

   Champlain Town Hall 
      Route 9 
   October 11th 
   9:00am to 3:00pm 

   Saranac Town Hall 
      Route 3
   November 1st 
   9:00am to 3:00pm 
This announcement is going out to all area residents that have attended an I DRIVE SAFELY Points and Insurance Reduction Course in the past.

The CHAMPLAIN TOWN HALL will be holding a Defensive Driving Course for ONLY $25.00 at the door, and no pre-paying is necessary. 

Don’t over pay at the area high schools or the college at $35.00 or $45.00 when you can join us at the town hall and save money on the class now and REDUCE your Insurance cost for the next three (3) years by 10% each year .

Voluneteers Needed

I am the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for Clinton County. I have been tasked with planning and executing a ‘drill’ on February 26th, 2015 to test our ability to provide antibiotics to a large number of community members in a very short period of time.  10% of those community members must be any combination of the following: over 65, have a functional need such as wheelchair bound, English as a second language, hearing or sight impaired, or under 18.  Someone suggested that I reach out to you to see if any of the homeschooling families in the area would be interested in participating with their children.  Perhaps it could be used as a community service project, or as part of a science or health class.

I do realize that I am very early in asking about something in February, but a drill of this magnitude takes months of planning.  Please let me know if this is something that you feel may be of interest to your families in Clinton County.

Feel free to email or call me at the contact information listed below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Peggy LaBombard, PHN II
Clinton County Health Department
133 Margaret St
Plattsburgh, NY 12901

French Tutor Available for Private or Group Lessons

I'm looking to add more French tutoring classes this year.  I'd like to start some small groups.  My fees are $30 per hour for up to 4 or $40 for 1 1/2 hours.

For small children I would build vocabulary using 3 minute episodes of a popular French cartoon (Petit Ours Brun).  This is also available on You Tube.  I would also concentrate on stories, songs, and games.  I would be available weekly, biweekly, or even monthly, but would need a committment from all participants for the duration of the lessons.

You could plan 4 - 6 week sessions and then reevaluate according to your needs and desires.  For older kids, I could do a session concentrating on reading and sounds or we could work on building vocabulary and/or grammar, etc.  Another option for older home schooled children would be for everyone to come ready with questions and difficulties they are having with their own curriculum.

This would take place at my house in Plattsburgh. 

Private tutoring is available for $25/hour.

For those wanting background information.  My undergraduate degree is in French, my graduate degree is in teaching.  I am a NYS certified French teacher.  I grew up in Canada and took French from the 3rd grade on with advanced French classes in High School.  I was a teacher's assistant in a French school in Arizona for 4 years where the whole curriculum was in French.  I raised my own kids to be bilingual and both are currently studying in France.  I have worked as an assistant teacher, a substitute teacher, and an ESL teacher locally.  I have been tutoring French for 10 years.

Contact: Kim Fleming 324-5580.

Homeschool Co-op Schedule for October 2014

Homeschool Co-op Schedule for October 2014

Welcome back to a new year of co-op!  Classes will resume on 10/1/14.  Below you will find details for all the October classes -- 10/1, 10/15 & 10/29.  Please refer to the class write-ups for descriptions, fees, & RSVP.

Please come join us at the Wesleyan Church on Rt 3 in the village of Cadyville.

Set-up for those teaching will begin at 10:15am.  Also, teachers, please remember to bring an envelope marked with your class name, fee, and some change to place on the sign-in table!  

Classes start promptly at 11:00am, and conclude around 2:00p or 2:30p when the 1:00pm afternoon classes finish. Feel free to come for the whole time or just for the portion your family wants to participate in. Bring a lunch or participate in the community potluck! Full details, fees & RSVP information available for everything below.

10/1/14 -- Welcome Back!

11:00a - 12:00p
Super Science Experiment Day
Welcome back to another fun year of co-op!   Come join us for our annual first day of co-op Super Science Experiment Day. Families who are attending are encouraged to bring a science experiment to share! There will be lots of fun, educational experiments for kids of all ages from preschool through high school.  

Preschool thru elementary kids can come learn about leaf pigmentation, make elephant toothpaste, play with oobleck, experiment with  float/sink tanks, check out the animals at the petting zoo, try out some edible oddities, and lots of other great, hands on activities.

Middle/High school students will be meeting in a separate classroom to do a special, upper level, hands-on, science experiment class.


RSVP:  Holly Warren, or Facebook Holly Warren.  Please indicate how many children will be attending, and what experiment you will be bringing to share with the group.

12:00p - 1:00p
Potluck or bag lunch period. We will meet upstairs in the fellowship hall for lunch break.  Potluck lunch is open for everyone attending!  If your family has special dietary needs (vegan, gluten free, etc), please consider bringing a dish to share that you family can also eat!  Families who choose not to participate in potluck are encouraged to bring a bag lunch.  
If you’d like to participate in a potluck lunch please email Cathy Morin at

12:40p - 12:55p
Children’s Chorus --
(grades PreK - 3)  Will be practicing Christmas songs this fall to be sung at Meadowbrook Nursing Home mid-December.   The only requirement for Children's Chorus is your young children must be able to participate without distracting the other kids!   Students interested in Children's Chorus will meet in the sanctuary upstairs.  At the first class, we will choose the songs to sing this fall.

Teacher: Holly Warren
Fee:  FREE
RSVP:  Holly Warren,, or Facebook Holly Warren

Youth Chorus -- (grades 4 & up)  Youth Chorus is new this year!   Students in grades 4 & up should plan to meet in classroom 4 downstairs to discuss what songs they would like to sing this fall.

Teacher: Cheryl Lussier
RSVP:  Cheryl Lussier,, or Facebook Cheryl Corsetti Lussier

Current Events  -- (middle/high school)
This weekly group will discuss and explore what is happening locally, nationally and around the world.  Due to some of the content that may be discussed this will be for the middle school and highschool students only (with parental approval).  Students will be asked to contribute weekly.

Teacher: Tammy Neureuther
RSVP: Tammy Neureuther, or Facebook Tammy Neureuther

1:00p - 2:00p
****  There will be no formal classes this first meeting day.   Beginning 10/15/14, there will be a class offerings for students grades K and up during this period. ****

Board Games & Afternoon Free play  --
Board games for the preschool & elementary age children will be set up in the preschool room downstairs. There will also be building blocks, basic art supplies, and other items to help keep our youngest co-op members entertained throughout the afternoon.

Board games for older kids (ages 9+) will be set up in the board room for the afternoon. Bring your favorite game to share!

October 15, 2014

Free Play Room:  Lincoln Logs

11:00 - 12:00

Preschool:  TBA

Elementary (K-3):

Geology Rocks!
This class will be exploring rocks, making egg carton rock collections, using magnetic sand & microscopes, and breaking open geodes.  
Teacher: Kerri Lamarche
Fee: $2 per student
RSVP:  Kerri Lamarche, , or Facebook Kerri Lamarche

Spies, Codes & Invisible Ink
How to send and receive information without your enemies finding it...from the American Revolution to WWII.

**Please note:  This is the first if 3 elementary history classes Jan McCormick will be running for the K-3rd grade kids this fall.   The topics will be: Spies, Codes & Invisible Ink, 11/5 - History of Weaving, 11/19 -History of Thanksgiving.  The class fee is $3 per class paid individually OR $6 for all 3 classes paid in advance today. **

Teacher:  Jan McCormick
Fee:  $3 per student  OR $6 per student if prepaying for all 3 history