Homeschoool Discount in Saranac Lake on Oct 8th

From Sunita of the Saranac Lake Homeschoolers:

"I've gone around the village of Saranac Lake today talking to all the businesses to get a homeschooler discount for our train day on October 8th. Most stores and restaurants are offering us a 10% discount for the day. I will make a map with all the locations. Moose Maple Books ( will offer a 25% discount on education-related books that day, and offer their usual 10% homeschooler discount on all other books. They are very close to the train station/carousel. I'm so excited for you all to come to my great town and spend the day exploring our fun, walkable village!

If you haven't RSVP'd for the trip yet, contact Sarah Sorensen by September 1st at to do so!"