Community Service Project:
#1 -- Final collection for the local food banks. Drop box will be near the sign-in table.
#2 -- Making Thanksgiving cards for nursing home residents & shut ins. A table will be set up for making nursing home cards as students have time throughout the day. Please place completed cards in the box on the table.
11:00 - 12:00:
Preschool: TBAElementary kids #1 --
Winter Birds In The North Country & Make a Bird Feeder Project
Teacher: Kelli Trombley
Fee: Free
RSVP: Kelli at
Elementary kids #2 --
Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box assembly & collection
Teacher: Holly Warren
Fee: $7.00 to mail a completed shoe box. Shoe boxes can be brought ready to go, and we will have labels & packing materials available for families who want to pack their shoe box. Families who do not want to build a box, can also donate $7 to cover the cost of shipping a box.
Older kids (Grades 4-8) --
Mental Math & Math Tricks
Teacher: Tammy Neureuther
Fee: Free
12:00 - 1:00: bag lunch/recess
Children's Chorus -- This club is open to all students, and all ages. As long as they can sing along & stand in place without being disruptive your student is welcome to join chorus. This fall we will focus on learning a variety of seasonal songs to be sung at a local nursing home at a time to be determined in mid December. This class will run from 12:30 - 1:00.
Teacher: Holly Warren
Fee: Free
RSVP: Holly,
1:00 - 2:00:
American Girl Club -- This club is for kids in 2nd - 6th grade. Book for this class will be decided on by the students at the October 30th meeting, and announced then.
Teachers: Holly Warren & Amanda Bokus
Fee: $2 per student
RSVP: Holly or Amanda (see emails above)
Boys Book Club -- This club is for boys in 4th and up. The book to be read for this class will be decided on at the October 30th meeting, and announced then.
Teacher: Tammy Neureuther
Fees & Assignments: TBA
RSVP: Tammy,
Board Game Club -- This club has two sections. One is for boys & girls from K-3, the other is for boys & girls grades 4+. Games will be set up in separate classrooms. Please bring your favorite game to share, and make sure to label your box too! Any questions can be directed to Amanda Bokus.
2:00 - 3:00:
Finish up clubs.